Setup Discord Bot
Follow the guide to perfectly set up your Discord Bot and avoid any issues!
Create a New Discord Bot
Follow the guide carefully, as the bot requires specific permissions and intents to function smoothly!
Log into the Discord Developer Portal and click the 'New Application' button in the top right corner.
Give your bot a name of your choice (you can edit it later if needed).
After creating the bot, you'll find yourself in a dashboard. Here, select the 'Bot' option in the sidebar, scroll down slightly, and enable all intents for the bot under the 'Privileged Gateway Intents' section (Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, Message Content Intent).
Next, go to the 'OAuth2' option in the sidebar, then within it, go to 'OAuth2 URL Generator.' Check the following options: 'bot,' 'applications.commands.' Scroll down a bit and assign the desired permissions to the bot (Recommended: Administrator).
On the same page, scroll all the way down, and use the provided link to invite your Discord bot to the server. B.1: In the Developer Portal, return to the 'Bot' section if you need your bot’s token, and there you can either copy it or request a new one (Reset Token). Place the provided Discord bot token in the config.yml file under the 'discord' section in the 'token' field. (Fill in the other fields as well. Important: guild-id)
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us on our Discord server!
Last updated