Plugin FAQ

Here are the features of the plugin, along with answers to frequently asked questions

I installed the plugin but it won't start and I see a big error message on the console. What to do?

  • The Answer Is: When you make such a mistake, don't worry, because it's understandably repulsive. What happens is that you have filled in something incorrectly within config.yml. Most likely you have not entered your Discord Bot token or it is invalid. Please check in the config file.

  token: 'set the token here'
  guild-id: 'set the guild id here'
  change-nickname: true # optional feature
  restrict-to-channel: false # optional feature
  target-channel-id: 'channel-id'

What if I have several servers in my network and I want to be able to use the plugin everywhere? Does the plugin support Bungecord or other proxy software?

  • The Answer Is: Currently the plugin does not support proxy software directly and you cannot use the plugin on a proxy server, but you can fully use the functionality if you put the plugin on all servers and use a MySQL database. In this case it is like using the plugin on a proxy server.

  #  driver: sqlite / mysql
  driver: 'mysql' # Use MySQL
  host: 'database-host'
  port: '3306'
  name: 'database-name'
  username: 'database-username'
  password: 'database-password'

  pool: # HikariCP config (Do not edit if you do not know what it is)
    maximumPoolSize: 10
    minimumIdle: 5
    connectionTimeout: 30000
    maxLifetime: 1800000
    idleTimeout: 600000

Can the plugin sync Minecraft ranks and assign them to people on Discord? How does it work exactly?

  • The Answer Is: Exactly. The plugin is able to sync player ranks to Discord. Currently, it only works if you are using the LuckPerms plugin but we would like to expand this to include more plugins in the future. (If the plugin you are using is not currently supported, don't worry as we will fix your problem) Before it works properly, we want to clarify that the plugin CANNOT assign Discord ranks to players in Minecraft. It is incredibly simple to use. Create a rank you want to assign to people who are synced together and follow the instructions in config.yml.

  default: 'default-discord-role-id' # Here the ingame rank name and the Discord rank ID equivalent
  mvp: 'mvp-discord-role-id'

Last updated